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Canberra & Queanbeyan

Checking out a Church can be pretty nerve wrecking at times. At DIVERGENT CHURCH Canberra & Queanbeyan we want people to feel 'at home' from the moment they arrive. Each of our locations have some minor differences so far as parking and common service structure so make sure you check out the different location sites.  All have "Planet Life' Kids Ministry except our //CITY Church, which does still have a Parents room. 


As we meet most Sundays separately check out the relevant location site below.


DIVERGENT CHURCH Canberra & Queanbeyan is about being a Real People serving the Real God in Real Life. So often the church has become a place of ‘plastic fantastics’. We believe that God has called us as we are, to become what he is crafting us into. Crew at Divergent Church Canberra Queanbeyan come from many different backgrounds both culturally and experientially (with over 25 languages spoken with people from all around the world). Mums, Singles, Couples, Professionals, Uni Students, Youth, families, and more.

DIVERGENT CHURCH Canberra gathers to encourage one another, to laugh, to share stories, to connect, to raise one voice, and to open up the Bible and hear teaching that changes the way we live.


Our music is contemporary, the coffee and food is good, the dress is casual. Planet Life Kids happens each Sunday at //South, //North and //Qbn though not at //CITY (Church at the Loft) on Sunday night though.


People at church also come from all across the City from Belconnen and Gunghalin in the North, Tuggeranong in the South, Queanbeyan, Weston Creek and Woden Valley. Thus we have small groups (Life Communities) in or developing in most areas of Canberra.

There is some information below on 'What to Expect' but you can also check out our 'Frequently asked Questions' page as well. 


Join our DIVERGENT CHURCH Canberra Queanbeyan facebook 



When and Where are DIVERGENT CHURCH Gatherings?


DIVERGENT CHURCH gathers all across Canberra and Queanbeyan during the week in Life Communities. On Sundays we have four gatherings across Canberra / Queanbeyan //South //City, //North and //Qbn




Every Six Weeks DIVERGENT CHURCH Canberra Sunday morning Gatherings unite together in Canberra City. These will be advertised both on our facebook and websites in advance. On these Sunday there are no //South or //North gatherings as they combine in the City.

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